1. Who commanded the Aseres Hadibros (ten commandments)?

  1. Avraham (Abraham)
  2. Hashem (G-d)
  3. Pharaoh
  4. Mordechai

2. How many sets of Ten Commandments are there in the Torah (Bible)?

  1. ONE
  2. TWO
  3. THREE

3. Which word is mentioned in only one set of the Ten Commandments but missing from the others?

  1. Good
  2. Bad
  3. Mother
  4. Father

4. What day of the week is Shabbos (Sabbath)?

  1. Sunday
  2. Friday
  3. Saturday
  4. Every Other Tuesday

5. What animals are mentioned in the Ten Commandments?

  1. Horse
  2. Donkey
  3. Ox
  4. Dog

6. Which one of these are not the Ten Commandments?

  1. Believe in G-d
  2. Don’t take revenge
  3. Don’t Swear Falsely
  4. Don’t Covet/Desire

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